tenant facing harassment

Understanding Landlord Harassment and Its Impact on Tenants

Introduction In Ontario, the relationship between landlords and tenants is governed by the Residential Tenancies Act & Regulations. This article explores landlord harassment, its impact on tenants, and the legal options available. Landlord Harassment? Landlord harassment can take many forms, including but not limited to:  Unlawful Entry: Entering the rental unit without proper notice or[…]

Prerequisites to construction lien rights in Ontario 

  In Ontario, the Construction Act outlines specific prerequisites that must be met for a party to have construction lien rights. These lien rights are designed to protect contractors, subcontractors, workers, and suppliers who have provided labor or materials to a construction project but have not been fully paid. Understanding these prerequisites is crucial for[…]

Getting paid: summary of the remedies and procedures in the Construction Act to enforce payment to contractors and subcontractors in Ontario

The Construction Act of Ontario offers a comprehensive legal framework to ensure that contractors and subcontractors are paid for their work. This framework outlines various remedies and procedures designed to enforce payment, addressing common issues such as delayed payments, non-payment, and disputes over the quality or scope of work. Here’s a summary of the key[…]

house wrapped around explaining construction liens

Expiry of construction lien rights in respect to hiatus in supply, in Ontario

In Ontario, the Construction Act governs the rights and obligations related to construction liens, including the expiry of lien rights. One particular aspect of this legislation that can impact the expiry of construction lien rights is a hiatus in supply—essentially, a pause or break in the supply of services or materials to a project. Understanding[…]

Contractors and Contractors to subcontractors

Holdbacks (10%) and limits of liability of Owners to Contractors and Contractors to subcontractors, subcontractors to sub-subcontractors, pursuant to Construction Act of Ontario

The Construction Act of Ontario, initially known as the Construction Lien Act, has undergone significant amendments to address and improve the fairness and efficiency of the construction payment system and to enhance dispute resolution procedures. Among its key provisions are those related to holdbacks and limits of liability, which play a crucial role in managing[…]

Agreements of Purchase and Sale of Real Estate in Ontario, Canada

Understanding Conditions in Agreements of Purchase and Sale of Real Estate in Ontario, Canada

In the world of real estate, the Agreement of Purchase and Sale (APS) serves as the cornerstone document that outlines the terms and conditions under which a property will be bought and sold. For those navigating the property market, understanding the conditions in Ontario real estate agreements is crucial for anyone navigating the property market.[…]


Purchase and Sale of Real Estate

    The purchase and sale of real estate in Ontario involves various legal aspects that both buyers and sellers should be aware of. Here is an overview of these aspects based on the Ontario law:   Rights and Obligations in Multiple Offers/Bidding Wars. The Trust In Real Estate Services Act (TRESA)  Overview of New[…]

man women takinh house keys from landlord

Understanding Landlord Rights in Ontario: Evictions, Court Claims, and Protecting Your Property

  In Ontario, Canada, landlords have specific rights and obligations under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, and other relevant legislations. One of the main rights landlords have is the right to evict tenants under specific circumstances, which include arrears of rent, the need for demolition or renovation, personal use of the property, illegal activities, nuisance,[…]